Are you ready?

To improve your life

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Why apply? Why learn?

and find well-being...


Who we are

About us


The Faculty of Life was established in 2013 to provide professional training courses which prepare people for life.

Origin Agency

Life Management Training

Lifeism® What experts say

Watch the video SQEP

Knowledge That Improves Your Life


What we do

We prepare people for life.


Within the Faculty of Life, our trainers work in groups, online and face to face, bringing together the knowledge and skills needed to evolve your life. Our training improves your capacity to act, allowing you to find who you are, where you are in life, what you do and how you can do it. So infact, within the Life Management Training (LMT) you'll find the actual meaning and purpose of life itself.

LMS Standards

Quality Leadership

Watch the video

Standards That Improves Your Life


How we do it

Our Training


Our training and products

The buttons provide descriptions of the services we offer, including the details of how you can access the benefits.

Meet the Trainer Workshops

Life Management Systems Foundation Become a Life Management Trainer

Life Management Training Course Bespoke Training for Organisations

Watch the video Planning

Training That Improves Your Life

The Courses


Life Management System Foundation Course.

Learn more

LMT Self Taught

Life Management Training Self Taught.

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LMT Trainer Led

Life Management Training Trainer Led.

Learn more


Why we do it

So you can take control of your life


Realise your potential – Understand life management and learn the capacity to get everything you want and need from life.

  • Learn the facts of life and how to live well within them.
  • Realise your destiny, using new ideas and wisdom.
  • Develop the means for you to be the best you can be.
  • Achieve mastery of the mind, as this is the only means to freedom.
  • Because people are not; they become.

Control That Improves Your Life


When we do it

Now is the right time


The closer you can be to understanding life completely as it happens, the closer you are to being able to make life changing decisions with confidence and competence. Therefore the more you understand life, the more you can enjoy it. To improve your capacity to act enables you to live in a way that suits you, because knowledge is power.

So for the question when, the answer is always now.

Expectations Learning

Helping Hand Operations

Timing That Improves Your Life



We are expanding


The Faculty is developing from our Life Centres in London to being UK wide so, at present Greater London and South West areas are open, the Faculty would like a Life Centre near you.

Send us an email to express your interest in joining the team, your location may not be listed below or you could be outside of the UK.


Locations That Improve Your Life


Contact Us

Prepare to be inspired

River Thames Visitor Centre

Because changing your thinking will change your life, but only for the better.

Address: Faculty of Life
C/o River Thames Visitor Centre
TW10 6UJ
Tel: Head Office - 0208 400 4999

Chief Operating Officer &
South West Regional Manager:  
Steve Scagell
Mobile: 07919 557 008