

Lifeism is the fundamental philosophical belief in life itself, rather than any manmade attempts at explaining life. This encompasses the entire range of all ideologies which relate to life and the interaction between them, culminating in an understanding of everything living and the nature of the human condition within life. The true way of Life, made by nature.

Lifeism considers that life is at the core of knowledge; of society or the individual. Knowing life, called Lifeism, is the essential awareness that underpins personal progress.

The Faculty of Life seeks to lead training, debate, dissemination and promotion of Lifeism. We promote an evidence-based approach to decision and policy making and are devoted to championing the crucial role Lifeism has to play.

We seek to identify an inspirational vision for the profession as a whole and the strategic direction to implement this.

The Faculty of Life is the affiliate body which administers and verifies Lifeism® training.

Lifeism is a registered Trademark for the sole use of the Faculty of Life in the promotion of the belief in life itself, without manmade attempts at explaining it. The utilisation of the word Lifeism is realised through Life Management Training and Life Managament Systems and it is for the Faculty alone to decide the validity of any other individual’s use of the term for this or any other purpose. As such and throughout this website should be seen as a protected mark, the property of the Faculty of Life and not to be used for any other purpose without the consent of the Faculty.

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